Making love to your life! Spring’s Libidinal Pulse… the impulse to create life is also the creative pulse of life. In this season the energy & life force of all…

Making love to your life! Spring’s Libidinal Pulse… the impulse to create life is also the creative pulse of life. In this season the energy & life force of all…
The liver works tirelessly; it has more than 500 vital functions. It is the ultimate multi-tasker of the body. You might picture it as a working mom with 5 kids,…
Spring is the ideal time to allow our major “detox” organ to “detox”. By supporting your liver to gently release the toxins it’s been filtering you are setting yourself up…
From the perspective of the Taoist 5 element model, spring time is associated with the Wood element and the Liver organ system. The Wood energy is forward moving, directed and…
The shift from winter to spring is full of life force, and in my opinion, the most dramatic seasonal shift. Waking the hibernating, underground seeds and heeding the call of…
A very easy and tasty way to prepare for the coming of spring is the gentle yet powerful effectiveness of warm lemon water. I recommend hydrating with 16 oz of…
It’s time to step powerfully into the waking energy of the spring season. What is calling you forth? What creative energy is ripening and waiting to express through you? These…