Relationship Harmonization Resonation Acupuncture (RHRA)

“Our experience of Relationship Harmonization Resonation Acupuncture (RHRA) was magical. Katie Briggs is gentle, powerful, and caring. Knowing we were experiencing rich, resonating vibrations together while the acupuncture worked its wonders and sent us into waves of harmony! After nearly 20 years together, finding a new way to deepen our relationship was intriguing. This is definitely a beautiful way to reconnect.” ” E. Farmer & C, Douglas


What is Relationship Harmonization (RHRA)?
Relationship Harmonization focuses on the health of relationships. There is you and your loved one and the third entity of the relationship, which is an entity all its own, a life of its own and a journey of its own. RHRA balances the health of the relationship.

What does a Relationship Harmonization(RHRA) session look like?
Through qi gong, acupuncture, resonation therapy and energy work, the entity of the relationship is harmonized. This is not a verbal processing modality. You and your loved one (child, parent, spouse, partner, friend, business partner, housemate) will start with a short verbal intake of just 5-10 minutes. We will do some qi gong together and then you will each lie down on separate tables side by side and have an experience of acupuncture, sound therapy, and energy work.

Group Relationship Harmonization is also available. Special arrangements outside the clinic can be made to accommodate number of people and space needs.



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