Dispel Lurking Pathogens-Restore Lost Health!
Transform the cold & flu into a healing cleanse.

Shelter in Place
I’m holding you all in flow as we move deeper into the energies of spring. This is the time of year our inner drive pushes us to grow and expand

I’m visioning each of you and every person on the planet embodying resilience, the capacity to recover from difficulties, knowing how to cope in spite of setbacks, or barriers, or

Year of the Metal Rat!
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! We start a new cycle in the Chinese zodiac in 2020. Positive characteristics of the Rat include being smart, outgoing, cheerful, and sociable in character. They

Do Nothing- Accomplish Everything!
As we tip toward the summer season (the season of Joy in the Chinese 5 Elements) I would like to explore the productivity of FUN! Contemplate that just doing something

Joy IS the World!
The base-line of this World is Well Being and Joy. It is easy to look around and create a “reality-story” that planet Earth or humanity is going to “hell in

Seasonal Shift – Qi Shield
Now is the perfect time to set a foundation for a healthy “Qi Shield”. If it seems to soon to think of cold and flu season, reframe it this way