Transformation, a Bold Choice

Transformation, a Bold Choice

“The healing journey is surrender to the process of change. Sometimes the things that go wrong in our lives, including physical illness, may happen when we have refused change at the point it was most called for: when we continue to perform a killing job, ignore the pain of a toxic relationship, perpetuate a self-harming habit;

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The Art of Enough

The Art of Enough

We all have a list, it’s a collective-cultural list:
Not enough: time, money, health, love, sex…
To much: work, fat, information, emotion…
We pick and choose buffet style, if it’s not enough it’s too much.

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Creating a world I am proud to live in…

Creating a world I am proud to live in…

Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.
Marianne Williamson

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Blessings… spring cleaning style

Blessings… spring cleaning style

I spent a chunk of time earlier this spring clearing out my patient charts. It was a heart-warming process to reflect on y’all: to see the progression of my growth…

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Graceful Evolution

Graceful Evolution

As I move through “middle age” I am curious about the collective ideas unquestioningly ingrained that cognitive and physical decline are inevitable simply because time passes. I recently heard Depak…

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