What does 2020 hold for you?
As we embark into this new year, I am left with the desire to address the aspects of our life and world that are requesting healing. I will focus on the health and well being of your body and spirit but these principles hold true for all systems and aspects of life.
Your body (the world) has an innate wisdom, a vitalism that reflexively guides its harmonious performance. Illness is evidence of imbalance somewhere – physically, mentally, spiritually, interpersonally, nutritionally – and when symptoms of pain and illness arise, it is an invitation to engage transformation in the service of balance.
These ideas are a movement away from the random universe where illness is bad luck and we play the victim. When we align with the perspective of Transformation in the face of illness and pain, we move back towards a reunion with wholeness, meaning and purpose.
“The healing journey is surrender to the process of change. Sometimes the things that go wrong in our lives, including physical illness, may happen when we have refused change at the point it was most called for: when we continue to perform a killing job, ignore the pain of a toxic relationship, perpetuate a self-harming habit; when we refuse to stop what we’re doing even when we do not feel well doing it; when we neglect to ask ourselves, ‘What’s the matter?’ or turn a sympathetic ear to the reply.”
What do you choose? What methodologies will you employ?
The doctor says, “Your machine is broken.”
The shaman says, “You have fallen out of relationship with the whole.”
The surgeon says, “I can resolve your crisis with biomechanical repairs.”
The Helper says, “Your illness is an existential question that ultimately you must answer”
Marc Ian Barasch
As a practitioner, my goal is to encourage the patient’s journey of self-discovery; a helper urging toward authentic being. Transformation takes courage, but knowing the “beast” of pain and illness is a messenger of grace, liberation and joy, not only makes the process doable but desirable. “The crop that falls to the ground may yet fertilize a more abundant harvest.”
Transformational Healing allows us to not only survive but rise like the Phoenix from the ashes, washed over with deep gratitude for every bit and piece of the healing journey – this process guides you far beyond “a return to normal” but to a life of regenerative awe. Vital. Open. In rapture with life.