Revolutionary Acts of Love…

Revolutionary Acts of Love…

The deepest way I can be of service to anyone or anything; the environment, social justice, health and wellness … is to tend to the aspect of the universe know as “me” with love and respect.

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Graceful Evolution

Graceful Evolution

As I move through “middle age” I am curious about the collective ideas unquestioningly ingrained that cognitive and physical decline are inevitable simply because time passes. I recently heard Depak…

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Separating the Yeast from the Bread…

Separating the Yeast from the Bread…

Attempting to separate “negative stress” from “positive growth” is like trying to separate the yeast from the bread. I love this quote and the surrender and acceptance that it invites.…

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The Sweet Spot!

The Sweet Spot!

The balance of ease and grace is always available and it is a blessing when we can effortlessly feel it. I reference this effortless grace and ease as the “sweet…

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