Pajama Day!!!

Pajama Day!!!

That’s right you heard Me… a day to stay in your jammies all day… We are at the pinnacle of darkness, today marks the longest night of the year. The…

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The “Ball” of Life

The “Ball” of Life

One of my patients describes the events, activities, relationships, time commitments… all the “goings on” of her life as a ball. When she was in a state of flow with…

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Celebrate Your “Inner Chihuahua”

Celebrate Your “Inner Chihuahua”

We are all multi faceted beings with many dimensions; all aspects of self need to be celebrated for their wisdom and guidance. We may consider some of our behaviors and…

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Dispel Lurking Pathogens-Restore Lost Health! Transform the cold & flu into a healing cleanse.

Dispel Lurking Pathogens-Restore Lost Health! Transform the cold & flu into a healing cleanse.

Every time we “get sick” it is an opportunity for our body to cleanse out stored toxins. No one enjoys a cold or flu, sore throat, achy body and fatigue…

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Simple Tips on Winter Wellness

Simple Tips on Winter Wellness

May you feel my maternal love with these simple tips for winter wellness. Keep your neck covered with a scarf or hoodie. Keep your feet warm and dry. Do not…

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Sparkle in Your Eyes

Sparkle in Your Eyes

Health and wellness leaves a sparkle in the eyes, if you look in the mirror and see a dullness in your eyes you are ready for a “energetic oil change”.…

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