Seasonal Shift – Qi Shield

Seasonal Shift – Qi Shield

Now is the perfect time to set a foundation for a healthy “Qi Shield”.

If it seems to soon to think of cold and flu season, reframe it this way
“the best way to be healthy and strong is to stay healthy and strong.”
As the days begin to shorten and the temperature shifts quickly it is important to be prepared.

In TCM the external elements (wind, cold, heat damp, dry) “call in” the pathogenic influences. They leave us susceptible to feeling run down.
In our coastal climate late summer provides some amazingly beautiful, warm days and some chilly evenings and mornings. The temperature can drop, quickly leaving us without adequate layers of warmth to keep out the external elements.

Here enters the lurking feeling of constantly fighting off a cold, feeling run down and chilly and a cough that comes in the morning and/or at night.

Plan ahead, set yourself up now for an autumn and winter full of strong Qi and health!
If you need support or ideas on how to do this please contact me.

I’m happy to help.

Feeling Good, the Anchor to Grace

Feeling Good, the Anchor to Grace

“The most important thing is feeling good”

In this statement lives the Revolution of Joy.
We may ask ourselves, “Who am I to feel fantastic when so many are suffering?” I want to flip it and ask, who are you not to? It is a fantastic act of service to choose feeling good, especially in the midst of circumstances and conditions that may not automatically solicit this good-feeling, joy-filled response.

If we are experiencing discomfort in our bodies, chronic pain, emotional or physical, it can in moments feel insurmountable to establish an authentic positive feeling. This is when we most need it.
I call it The Anchor to Grace – an overwhelming experience that all is well. There is an unexplainable ease in your emotional body and this permeates your physical body.

How do we cultivate thought patterns and emotional fields that allow us to habituate to Grace in tumultuous times?
We cultivate the vision of joy pulling us rather than being pushed around by habitual pain. We allow for assistance and support.

Imagine a first time surf student, on their belly out paddling hard to catch the wave and the swell rolls right under them. Not having the muscles developed to “dig in” and catch the wave, the student may feel tired and discouraged after a series of attempts.
Along comes the instructor, and as the student goes to catch the wave the instructor pushes the back end of their board into the wave at just the right moment, and off the student goes catching their first wave.

The joy and exhilaration of moving in the flow, riding the wave creates a memory of experience. The student now has a vision of what they are moving toward: the sensation of joy as they caught and rode the wave.

As a health practitioner, I love giving the extra “push into the wave”. It is my goal to foster a healing environment that anchors you to a sensation of grace while you are in my presence and receiving care.

The treatment is designed to encourage your body to relax, to feel the ease and grace always available with the energetic & vibrational components of care (acupuncture & sound vibration therapy).

I align to find your “Keys to Health” or lifestyle pivots. As we identify what serves your specific constitution, I will make 1 or 2 lifestyle suggestions that you agree to integrate between now and your follow up appointment.

As you start to feel the ease in symptoms, there comes a shift in the point of focus and the vision of well-being begins to pull you along. You’ve caught your metaphorical “wave” and the upward spiral to health builds momentum. A new base-line for grace, ease, joy and well-being is available.

There are many ways to catch the wave of positivity and leverage the vibrations of joy. I invite you in this day to look around your life and “spin it”. Sink your teeth into the knowing that everything is conspiring for your good.

May you be joyfully surprised at what unfolds…

Libidinal Pulse

Libidinal Pulse

Making love to your life! Spring’s Libidinal Pulse… the impulse to create life is also the creative pulse of life. In this season the energy & life force of all…

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Transformation, a Bold Choice

Transformation, a Bold Choice

“The healing journey is surrender to the process of change. Sometimes the things that go wrong in our lives, including physical illness, may happen when we have refused change at the point it was most called for: when we continue to perform a killing job, ignore the pain of a toxic relationship, perpetuate a self-harming habit;

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Creating a world I am proud to live in…

Creating a world I am proud to live in…

Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.
Marianne Williamson

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Blessings… spring cleaning style

Blessings… spring cleaning style

I spent a chunk of time earlier this spring clearing out my patient charts. It was a heart-warming process to reflect on y’all: to see the progression of my growth…

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Graceful Evolution

Graceful Evolution

As I move through “middle age” I am curious about the collective ideas unquestioningly ingrained that cognitive and physical decline are inevitable simply because time passes. I recently heard Depak…

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Tooled by the Tool?

Tooled by the Tool?

I appreciate my smart phone and all the ways it supports my life. It is a fantastic tool AND I don’t want to entrain my nervous system to it. Entrainment…

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Autumn’s Potent Seasonal Shift…

Autumn’s Potent Seasonal Shift…

We are in the midst of shift; this time of year, along with the spring shift are, in my clinical experience, two of the most potent times of the year…

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Separating the Yeast from the Bread…

Separating the Yeast from the Bread…

Attempting to separate “negative stress” from “positive growth” is like trying to separate the yeast from the bread. I love this quote and the surrender and acceptance that it invites.…

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